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Read the pages on this website to educate yourself about the water crisis, so you can educate others. 


Water Campaign

Awareness Video

Water Scarcity

Water Quality and Sanitation

Gender Inequality


If you want to do more than just donate, you can be a volunteer to many water organizations. Do a google search to find an organization near your location. 

Please donate to my water campaign. To find out more information click here! Water Campaign There are number of water non-profits who have the mission of ending the world water crisis. You can donate to them and the money will go to helping countries receive access to water and education about water. Some examples organizations are:

Charity Water

Water for People

Solea Water

& there are so many more!



What is the Global Water Crisis?

The water crisis is a global crisis affecting about 1.1 billion people everyday. 

In our world there is a problem with water scarcity, which leads to issues with water quality, water quality and sanitation, and gender inequality.

There is also water inequality. First world countries have the luxury of having easy access to water 24/7. Second and third world countries have difficulty accesses water or do not have any access to water in the place they live and have to travel each day to get a small amount of water. 

This crisis can be helped by spreading awareness and taking action to make a difference. Different actions can be donating to water companies to building wells, teaching about health and sanitation and promoting gender equality in developing countries.


What YOU can do to help


Picture taken and photoshopped by Taylor Galmiche

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